Vishnu Mohan’s Insights on Running Successful Fitness Programs

In 2016, when Vishnu Mohan embarked on his journey towards his passion for fitness, he was told that “having six cars is always better than having six-pack-abs.”

Today, five years later, Vishnu has both. Plus, he is a successful fitness trainer who has handled more than 1800 clients from all over the world, he is in the final stages of publishing his book, and is working towards building his own brand and website. He has also won two silver medals in international body-building competitions.

Vishnu is also married to Ritika, a successful fitness trainer herself, and they are both complementing each other’s work and journeys.

Given below are insights from his journey so far that Vishnu shared with SocialBoat. Read on for tips to establish a successful fitness training business from Vishnu.

Fitness is not a destination to be arrived at. It is a lifestyle. 
  • Make your clients find motivation within themselves.

People who initiate their fitness journeys often find motivation in the success stories that they come across on social media. However, they do not realize that the number of stories that haven’t succeeded is much larger than those that have. Vishnu tells us that people come to him believing such fads and expecting a 180-degree transformation in just a couple of weeks. When they see that it isn’t happening, they lose their motivation.

Therefore, it is important to correct that initial approach. Clients need to believe that fitness is not some short-term destination that one can arrive at. It is a lifestyle, a way of living, something that one has to work constantly to inculcate and continue to see the results.

Vishnu believes that adhering to schedules inculcates a sense of seriousness.
  • Stick to schedules, no matter what.

Vishnu tells us that one of the most important aspects to adopt a healthy lifestyle for a fitter mind and body is respecting schedules. Once a person is in the habit of following their timetable, they are very likely to accomplish their fitness goals. To inculcate this habit in his clients, Vishnu takes utmost care to stick to schedules. Unlike many trainers, he isn’t available to the clients at any and every time.

“Once you stick to schedules, it becomes easy, trust me. If a coach is available at every hour, the clients a) strat losing respect, and b) start taking fitness less seriously. It is important to set the expectations right and teach them the importance of a schedule for a healthy lifestyle.”
Vishnu was the highest-paid coach in the company that he worked for.
  • Focus on yourself and your long-term goals.

Vishnu, who was the highest-paid coach in the company that he worked for, resigned from the company and has been an independent trainer and coach for about five months now. His experience at the company was great and he was doing really well there with all the support. However, there were some larger goals that he wanted to focus on for which Vishnu wasn’t getting the time with the hectic work.

“Initially, it was a little scary, moving out from such a good job. But now it is going well.”

Vishnu is currently in the final stages of publishing the book that he wrote, he is working on his website and his brand, and he is also preparing for competitions that he wishes to ace in the coming year.

  • Find relevant company.

Vishu talks about how being in the company of his wife, Ritika, who is also a fitness trainer, has given him the support and push he needed to come this far. Even though both of them are independent trainers and handle their respective clients desperately, but being in the same field, believing in the same lifestyle, and working towards similar goals has helped both of them grow.

“We complement each other’s work and decisions and understand our priorities. In 2019, I didn't go out even once because I had a competition, and she was completely fine with that. Plus, if I am to start a business, I will not need a partner. I already have one.”
When it comes to fitness, learning from the correct sources is important. 
  • Be mindful of where you learn from.

Vishnu tells us that when he started his fitness journey in 2016, he could see so many resources from where he could learn for free but that only propagates more and more fitness myths. According to Vishnu, fitness is very simple, and a six-pack-abs body can be achieved naturally, given one follows their routine. Reading articles on fitness advice from popular magazines will give you information about what celebrities eat in a day but that does not mean that everyone who eats what the celebrity eats will look like the celebrity.

“After a while, I realized that I could get the body I was aiming for by just hanging in there, and having patience and discipline, and not by eating 50 egg whites in a day.”

Fitness training is a very competitive industry, but it can be a rewarding one once you find your niche and establish your clients. These tips from a successful fitness trainer like Vishnu will help you get ahead in the fitness training industry.

You can check Vishnu’s social media pages and learn about his programs here.

For other tips on fitness and insights from fitness trainers and creators, check out our other blogs on SocialBoat.